Tuesday, January 22, 2013

READING CLASSES - 6th, 7th and 8th GRADES

Book Reports – Quarters 3 and 4

For the second semester, you will be able to choose which kind of book report you would like to complete. Whichever you choose, you should still include the following criteria.

All book reports should be AT LEAST two paragraphs (6-8 sentences) and should include a topic sentence and concluding sentence. They also need a proper heading, and the assignment should list the number of the book report you are completing (1, 2, 3 or 4) as well as the assignment you choose. There is a sample heading below.

Miss Corso                                                                                                      Reading
January 18, 2013                                                                                             Book Report 1, Letter

Here are the choices you have for third and fourth quarter:

1. Letter to the author: Write a letter to the author of the book explaining what you liked (or didn’t like) about his or her book. What were your favorite parts? (Be specific!) Who would you recommend it to you and why? Do you have any suggestions for the author?

2. Summary: Write a detailed summary of the book, without giving away the ending. What were the key plot points? When was the climax? How did the characters develop throughout the story? Be sure to use vivid details.

3. Book Review: Write a review of your book as if you are a literary critic. What were the best parts of the book? What were the worst? Who do you think would like it most? Also, give it a rating out of 5 stars. (1 being the worst, 5 being the best.)

4. Figurative Language: Describe the figurative language throughout the story. Are there metaphors? Onomatopoeia? Lots of imagery? Explain what you found as you read, and how it affected the overall theme of the story.

5. Epilogue: Write an epilogue to the book. An epilogue is a short chapter or section at the end of a literary work, sometimes detailing the fate of its characters. What do you think happens after the last chapter of your book? Where do the characters go, and what do they do? Be creative!

6. Proposal: Propose a different topic to Miss Corso. This MUST be approved by Miss Corso before you can complete it. (Do not wait until the day before the book report is due to propose a different assignment!)

Week of 1/22 - 8th Grade

Important Dates for the Week:

Tuesday: College crests due

Wednesday: Chapter 9 religion test (We missed it last week because of the looooong spelling bee!)

Thursday: Unit 8 vocabulary test (No spelling, just definition, synonyms and antonyms)

Friday: College crest essay due

*We will be in the LRC on Wednesday and Friday to work on the college crest essays, but you will need to do some research outside of class to have your essay completed on time!

Next Week:

Book report 1 for Quarter 3 AND Across Five Aprils diary project are both due on FRIDAY, FEB 1st.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

6th Grade Language Arts

You have a PRONOUN test on Thursday, January 17th.

Use your study guide from class today as well as notes from the review game tomorrow to study.

Good luck!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Quarter 3 Book Reports

These are the book report due dates for Quarter 3 for Miss Corso's 6th, 7th, and 8th grade
reading classes.

Book Report 1: Friday, February 1

Book Report 2: Monday, February 11

Book Report 3: Monday, February 25

Book Report 4: Monday, March 11

Sunday, January 6, 2013

8th Grade Tests

Upcoming tests for 8th Grade:

  • Friday, January 11, 2013: Religion Chapter 8

  • Monday, January 14, 2013: Vocabulary, Unit 7

Welcome Back!

Welcome to 2013! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful break! Please continue to check this blog for updates on due dates and book report information. I will continue to update the blog weekly, but, as always, please feel free to see me with any questions.

Let's have a GREAT 2013!